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The experiences highlighted above are delivered through the
dedicated work of our Positive Futures teams in both Rushcliffe
and Newark. If you want to help by donating to the Trust so this
work can continue, head over to
www.justgiving.com/TBCSTLearning when
to stay calm
Finlay Barrow
I joined Positive Futures because I was
getting into trouble at school and getting
angry at other pupils and staff.
My favourite experience was joining
Positive Futures on the residential to Lea
Green. During this time I enjoyed the den
building and stream walking.
Positive Futures has helped me learn how
to calm my anger, to know when to walk
away and also that you can’t always win.
If I didn’t have Positive Futures I probably
wouldn’t be in school and therefore
wouldn’t get an education.
Getting out of
the house
Orlando Jones
I joined Positive Futures because of my
behaviour inside and outside of school,
also to get me to do more activities after
school in the community.
I enjoyed Lea Green, especially the stream
walk and the star ambush. I have enjoyed
working with Graeme (community sports
coach), playing cricket and smoothie
making at the community centre.
Positive Futures has helped me get better
at writing neater and in better sentences,
also my behaviour has gotten better after
some talks with Graeme and Mandy.
If I didn’t have Positive Futures I would
not have any activities to do and would be
at home not doing anything.
behaviour at
Jessie Scott
I joined Positive Futures because my
behaviour at school and home wasn’t
very good.
I have enjoyed lots of activities with
Positive Futures including the Girls
Group, creative arts and games. On top
of that there has been the Future Fridays
Youth Club where I helped with the tuck
shop and the sleepover at Lea Green,
where we did the stream walk and star
Positive Futures has helped me not be
out on the streets as much and with my
behaviour at school and home.
If I didn’t have Positive Futures I would
be bored at home, doing nothing.
amonth will support a
child who is struggling
with behaviour and
attendance, at school
through weekly one-to-
amonth will provide
one-to-one alternative
educational support
to a child that needs
an extra bit of help and
amonth will provide
training for young
people to become
sports volunteers and
amonth will provide
a disadvantaged
young person with the
opportunity to attend a
residential experience
amonth will help deliver
school projects to keep
young people off the
streets and engaged in
positive activities
You can donate via text by writing ‘TBCT10’ and your chosen amount into a text message, sending it to 70070.
For example, you can write ‘TBCT10 £5’ to donate £5 via text.